3v3 Rules

Format: Each game is two 12-minute halves with no goalie

Positions: There are not offense and defense positions. Rather, all 3 players work together up and down the field on both sides of the ball. Teams should be discouraged from having one player stand back to defend the goal.

No Offsides in 3v3 Soccer!

No Slide Tackling: Players must stay upright and on their feet and may not make contact with an opposing player. If a player does slide in on an opponent, they give away a free kick and are liable for a caution (or card) from the referee. Players are only allowed to slide when intercepting the ball or preventing it from going out of bounds. 

Goal Scoring: A goal may only be scored from the offensive side of the field. In order to be counted, the ball must be completely across the midfield line and be touched by another player (either defense or offense) before going in the goal.

Goal Box: Each goal has a box before it that is roughly 6’ x 4’. Teams play without a goalkeeper. Players are permitted to pass through it, but they are NOT allowed to touch the ball while inside the box. If the ball stops within the box, the defending team is awarded a goal kick regardless of who touched it last. A goal is awarded to the opposition if a defender touches the ball within in the goal box. If, however, an attacker touches the ball within the box, a goal kick is awarded to the defending team instead.

Penalty Kicks: Awarded if a scoring opportunity was nullified by an infraction. Penalty kicks are taken from the center circle of the pitch, even for penalty shootouts. All other players must be behind the halfway line when during penalty kicks. If the penalty kick takes place during the match, and the player misses the goal, a goal kick is instead awarded to the opposition. The referee awards penalty kicks if a team commits an infraction that prevents a goalscoring opportunity. 

Five Yard Rule: In all dead­ball situations, defending players must stand at least five yards away from the ball. If the defensive player's goal is closer than five yards, the ball shall be played five yards from the goal box, in line with the place of the penalty.

Throw-in/Kick-ins: Players are prohibited from using their hands to throw the ball back in to play after it's gone out. Instead, players kick in from where it went out along the touchline.

Goal Kicks: May be taken from any point on the endline.

Heading: Heading is not allowed in 3v3 soccer. If a player deliberately heads the ball, the opposing team gets an indirect free kick. The free kick takes place from where the infraction occurred.

Kick Off: May be taken in any direction.

Substitutions: Substitutions may be made at any dead­ball situation, regardless of possession. Teams must get the referee's attention and players are to enter and exit at mid­field.